LED screens are a powerful display and communication tool that can help businesses and organizations enhance their brand image, attract and retain customers. However, to make the most of LED screens, it is necessary to pay attention to control the exposure. Exposure is a key factor that affects the effect and customer satisfaction of LED screens, which involves parameters such as screen type, brightness level, color temperature value and contrast ratio. In this article, we will introduce how to use LED screen exposure to attract and retain customers.

Choose the Appropriate Screen Type

There are different types of LED screens, such as indoor screens, outdoor screens, transparent screens, curved screens, etc. Each type has its own characteristics and advantages. For example, indoor screens have higher resolution and lower brightness than outdoor screens; transparent screens have higher permeability and lower weight than conventional screens; curved screens have better viewing angle and visual impact than flat screens. Therefore, you need to choose the appropriate screen type according to your application scenario, such as location, size, distance, environment, etc.

Adjust the Appropriate Brightness Level

The next factor that affects LED screen exposure is brightness level. If the brightness level is too high or too low, it will cause eye fatigue or discomfort for viewers, as well as affect the clarity and color of the display. Therefore, you need to adjust the appropriate brightness level according to the ambient light and display content. Generally speaking, you need to use a higher brightness level during daytime and a lower brightness level during nighttime; you need to use a higher brightness level for displaying cold-toned content and a lower brightness level for displaying warm-toned content.

Adjust the Appropriate Color Temperature Value

Another factor that affects LED screen exposure is color temperature value. It determines the hue of an LED pixel’s white light, which can be warm (yellowish), neutral (white) or cool (bluish). If the color temperature value is too high or too low, it will cause color distortion or deviation. Therefore, you need to adjust the appropriate color temperature value according to the ambient light and display content. Generally speaking, you need to use a higher color temperature value during daytime and a lower color temperature value during nighttime; you need to use a higher color temperature value for displaying cold-toned content and a lower color temperature value for displaying warm-toned content.

Adjust the Appropriate Contrast Ratio

The last factor that affects LED screen exposure is contrast ratio. It is a ratio that indicates how much brighter an LED pixel is than another pixel on an LED screen. It usually uses dB (decibel) as a unit. Contrast ratio also has an important impact on exposure. If the contrast ratio is too high or too low, it will cause detail loss or blur. Therefore, you need to adjust the appropriate contrast ratio according to the display content. Generally speaking, you need to use a higher contrast ratio for displaying complex content and a lower contrast ratio for displaying simple content.


By choosing the appropriate screen type, adjusting the appropriate brightness level, color temperature value and contrast ratio, you can make the LED screen display clear, bright and dynamic graphic and text information, thereby improving the viewing experience, brand image and purchasing behavior. We hope this article will be helpful to you.